URGENT! Demand US Fish & Wildlife Protect American Wolverines

Only 300 American wolverines are left in the continental United States. Yet US Fish and Wildlife recently told a panel of federal biologists to reverse their findings that the wolverine should be listed as a threatened species. Tell US Fish & Wildlife not to let politics trump science and to protect this iconic creature.

On August 4, 2014, the Head of US Fish and Wildlife, Dan Ashe, will make a final determination about the status of American wolverines. Several US states are pressuring Fish and Wildlife not to protect wolverines due to the limits this will place on development and recreation. They are questioning the impact of climate change. But though wolverines have recently made some progress due to local protections, research shows that habit loss resulting from climate change will reverse these gains. 

Don't let the American wolverine become a victim of politics. Join me in telling the US Fish and Wildlife Service to list them as a threatened species.

Thank you for protecting the American wolverine,

Rosalind Helfand

Dear Mr. Ashe,

I'm a resident of Los Angeles, CA, but I'm writing to you as someone who has relatives and friends all across the United States--all of whom support threatened species status for the American Wolverine. We do not believe that the economic considerations of the immediate future should trump creating long term plans to ensure the survival of the American Wolverine and their habitat.

We've read the reports from the scientists who recommended threatened species status, and we've read the arguments against their recommendations, and we don't find the arguments against them compelling. Of course there may always be a small degree of uncertainty with predicting climate change, but we have enough certainty and the risks are great enough that we must act proactively and we must take the right precautions before it is too late.

To support giving the wolverines threatened species status, I sent out a petition that has been signed by over 700 people from the United States and around the world. The petition included links to the scientific data and the political arguments surrounding this issue so that they could make an educated choice to sign. Please do not dismiss the international signatures. Not only does this support for an American species show that the international community takes a strong interest in America's heritage, it also underscores the importance of protecting species and habitat as a draw for tourism--and many communities near wilderness areas rely on toursim dollars.

I urge you to trust your scientists and do what is right. I understand that the pressure from the states who fear restrictions on economic development is heavy, but there are other ways for them to be economically successful--they must take protection of wolverines as an opportunity rather than a threat. 

Please decide in favor of threatened species status for the American Wolverine on August 4.

Thank you,

Rosalind Helfand



Update #110 years ago
Dear Friends,

On MONDAY, US Fish & Wildlife Director Dan Ashe makes his decision about the future of America's wolverines. PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION AND ASK YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS TO TELL DAN TO PROTECT WOLVERINES.

Much rides on Dan’s decision: The future of an iconic species, and how seriously government takes the impact of global warming. I hope to reach at least 1,000 signatures! We're so close at 776!

Thank you for your support. Let's get those signatures!

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