Help to protect innocent pets of cold russian winters and hearts!

Dear animal lovers,

It is painful and sad to realize that in Russia (which is trying to achieve a leading position in the world%u2019s public opinion) there is mass cruelty towards the weak and defenseless animals- cats and dogs, because they absolutely are not protected by the law. On the contrary, Russian lawmakers issue regulations that prescribe cruelty towards stray animals. As an example, the Resolution of the State Construction Committee from 27.03.2003 allows burying cats alive in the basement and crawl space of buildings by trapping them inside and closing their ways in and out to the place, where stray cats have the only shelter due to non existence of humane shelters for animals. Not only animals are experiencing enormous suffering, but the children and elderly people who feed and watch over basement cats suffer emotionally.
We call upon you to stop this regulated fear, pain and death. In any civilized society, morals and ethics are a top priority. Rules and regulations are made to follow ethical norms, not vice versa as in Russia. We are against violence becoming normality in our society. We ask you to help encourage the Government of the Russian Federation to find an honorable way out of a terrible situation, and in the quickest possible time to enact legislation that fully protects the rights of stray animals. We want the Government to take care of the defenseless.

Support us and our cats and dogs, please!

To the Prosecutor General of  the Russian Federation

                                                                   Chaika Yury  Yakovlevich

                                                                      From Sharganova Lyubov Valeryevna,

                                                                      199004 Saint Petersburg,

                                                                      V.%u041E., line 8, building.41, apartment.11

                                                                      tel. 7-911-280-89-16





Dear Yury Chaika,


As a supervisor of the social movement called "Spasyonnaya Zhizn" I often receive complaints from the Saint Petersburg city  residents that when the city installs metal bars on the basement windows of the buildings it always leads to the death of innocent cats and kittens that live (I should say try to survive) in those basements, and which are often fed and taken care of by those same residents who complain. The type and the spacing of the metal bars being installed does not allow cats to come out of the basement. They are often trapped inside without food or water and are left to die a slow and painful death, while other cats and kittens who where "lucky enough" to not get trapped are also subjected to a long and painful death on the streets, especially during the cold and harsh winters because they lose the last shelter, as of basements of buildings to hide in.

THOUSANDS of innocent cats are dying a cruel, painful death! THOSE WHO CAN NOT ESCAPE FROM THE BASEMENTS (CELLARS) die from thirst and hunger. THOSE WHO CAN NOT GET INSIDE THE BASEMENTS are left to die from the cold (over the last two years the average temperature in St. Petersburg was minus 18 degrees Celsius) or other hazards such as dogs and sadists.


Bars on the basement windows cause an agonizing death to the animals due to starvation and dehydration, which is a crime under article 245 of the Criminal Code.  This cruelty is being witnessed by children and adults who are feeding and trying to help cats, who also care for, and are attached to these animals. This is an insult to their feelings, as they are forced to watch the suffering of these animals resulting in death.  In addition, this violates the rights of citizens to perform charitable actions: caring for homeless animals is the subject of rights and lawful interests of citizens and is protected by the Russian Federal Law 135-FZ of 11.08.1995 "About charitable activities and charitable organizations."

Leaving cats without their only shelter from the cold weather and dogs that kill them is cruel. The only reasonable and legitimate solution to this problem, at this point, is to stop putting bars in the basement windows and patching holes. This is the only way for cats and kittens to survive in Russia, because of the lack of modern and clean animal shelters in the country. The very few existing shelters are already filled with too many animals. We are talking about several animals in one cage, constructed for one.  We are talking about an inability for a citizen to bring a rescued homeless animal to a shelter to receive proper medical care and a place to stay. That is why building basements are so crucial for people who do not want animals to die, to be available for cats to access and to provide shelter.


I also think it is necessary to note that cats occupy a certain ecological niche. Basement cats pose far less harm than rats and other pests, which are still extremely dangerous and transmit diseases to human. In contrast, cats are natural repellents and destructors of rodents.

Compliance with morally outdated rules and regulations in Russia could not be more important than compliance with generally accepted normality in today's world of morality and virtue.

Please, help us to stop this barbarity towards cats.

Sincerely, chairman of the social movement of Saint-Petersburg " Spasyonnaya Zhizn " Sharganova Lyubov Valeryevna  tel: 7-911-280-89-16, email -

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