Climate Change Made New York's Flooding Worse. When Will President Biden Act?

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: U.S. President Joe Biden
This September, New York experienced a month's worth of rainfall during a single storm. In parts of Brooklyn, over 2.5 inches of rain fell in a single hour. At the time, many people suspected that such an extreme weather event was the result of climate change - and now, scientists have confirmed it.

In fact, a recent study shows that the type of storm seen in New York is on average 10-20% wetter than it would have been a century ago - because of climate chaos.

When will the President of the United States finally step up and act on climate?

Sign now to demand President Joe Biden take the climate crisis seriously and declare a state of emergency!

President Joe Biden pitched himself as a climate candidate. But he still has not declared a state of emergency due to climate change, despite years or urging from scientists and environmental organizers.

Declaring a state of emergency is an important step because it would ensure access to more funding, resources, and other services, which will be necessary to radically change the U.S.'s approach to curbing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the environment.

Storms like the ones in New York aren't minor inconveniences. They can be fatal, and can cause millions of dollars in infrastructure damage.

We cannot let these scary extreme weather events so easily become the norm. It is time we call it like it is: we are living in a time of climate crisis. Now, U.S. President Biden must finally declare a state of emergency! Sign now if you agree!
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