Stop the illegal poaching of the big 5 in Africa!

  • by: M Seratonin
  • recipient: International Anti-Poaching Foundation

Animal poaching in Africa at an all time high. Rhinos, lions leopards, elephants and water buffalo comprise the "big 5." At one time trophy hunters considered it a feat to bring home one of these "trophy" animals...however now the term generally refers to viewing the animals on an African safari....not brutally stalking and murdering them for their heads or horns. These animals have mercilessly been hunted to the brink of extinction for many different reasons. Rhinoceros and elephants for their ivory horns...lions and leopards for their heads and coats....and the water buffalo for its meat and dangerous reputation. Fewer than 2 million animals make up the entire population of the big 5. Cecil the lion has been in the media after he was savagely totrtured and finally murdered after being stalked for 40 hours after being wounded with a crossbow. Then he was skinned, beheaded and left on the side of the protected sanctuary which he was lured to his death out of by poachers. Not only was Cecil on protected land he was also wearing a radio collar which was discarded next to the poor felines remains. He was tossed away like trash, tortured and murdered by a greedy, brutal piece of shit. These animals need our help and protection. The northern white rhinoceros is literally 4 animals away from becoming extinct. There is ONE male left.....and they had to cut off his horn so poachers wouldn't MURDER HIM! He is also under 24 hour armed guard along with his two female companions. This is a sad world in which we live...please help me help them....they need be the voice of the voiceless.

Update #29 years ago
Update #19 years ago
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