Demand appropriate certification for Emotional Support Animals (ESA)

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are a necessary and important part of the lives of many disabled people. While ESAs are covered under several Federal laws, there is no real, well-recognized mechanism for having these ESA pets credentialed or certified that is recognized worldwide. People are abusing this status of ESA and there needs to be a regulated mechanism for providing this service. I believe it should be a two part certification including a licensed psychologist (documenting need for the disabled person), physician, or ARNP AND a certified dog trainer who can certify that the animal is well-trained enough to be taken out in public and to be able to fly on an airplane. The AKC has one such test. There is an already existing certificate program for providing the red vest which designates the animal as an ESA. This certification process needs to be formalized including certification of the animal as fit to be out in public and fit to fly.  These criteria need to be adopted worldwide and universally. The airlines are already honoring this designation but without appropriate certification of the animal for fitness to fly.  Such a test does exist.  A plane was forced to land because a large dog was deemed an ESA without appropriate documentation or credentialing. The dog defecated in the aisle twice and the smell was making people so ill that the plane was forced to land. This is not how we want ESAs to be represented to the general public or to anyone at all.

A writer for New Yorker Magazine had her turtle and snake designated, inappropriately, as ESA animals, making a farce out of a very serious situation.

Emotional Support Animals are appropriate and therapeutic in many situations. We need to protect those disabled people who are really in need of such a service but it needs to be legitimatized.  Emotional Support Animals can help a number of disabled children and adults with a variety of conditions, ranging from Autism to Mental Retardation to PTSD, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, and a variety of other conditions.

Please help stop the abuse of the designation of Emotional Support Animals.  This is a very real service which can benefit a huge number of disabled people of all ages. 

Please take a quick moment to sign this petition and check out another petition on  Thank you so very much for help in this matter!  It WILL make a huge difference in thousands and thousands of people's lives!

Please take a quick minute to sign this petition . . . click on "Health" and then type "Emotional Support Animals" in the white search bar at the upper right-hand of your screen.  This should take you directly to my petition.  Send the petition along to all of your friends who care about such things!!!  Thank you so very much for taking the time to do this!  Great big hugs to you all!!! Shelley (Michelle) Slapion-Foote, Florida Licensed Psychologist

Update #49 years ago
Happy almost June to you all! Since February, we've gone from 27 to 56 signatures but we need 1,000! Please pass this along to all your friends who care about the disabled and providing them with the right to have Emotional Support Animals. Legislation is on its way . . . let's send the "powers that be" something that is thought-out and appropriate to help protect both the animal and its owner!

Take care, be well, and wear your seat belts!

Big hugs!
Update #310 years ago
Up to 37 signatures . . . you know what "they" say . . . "Slow and steady wins the race!"
Update #210 years ago
Thank you to the 22 of you that care enough to sign this. I need 1,000 to keep the petition going. Please post this on Facebook or forward it to your friends. Apparently, apathy is alive and well, unfortunately. Thank you so very much for your help in circulating this petition and getting it signed. This credentialing is going to happen with or without your input and help. Let's make it workable for everyone who needs and deserves an Emotional Support Animal.
Update #110 years ago
Please take less than one minute to sign this very important petition. Go to "Health" and then type in "ESA" and click "Sign Petition". As simple as that! You will have my undying love and gratitude. I only have 20 signatures and I need 1,000. Please sign and thank you so very much!!! Big hugs! Shelley in Miami
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