Tarrant County GOP County Chair Darl Easton Must Resign!


Tarrant GOP Chair Darl Easton Heeds Calls to Resign


Regardless of which side one takes on the appointment of Shahid Shafi as Vice Chair of the Tearrant County Republican Party, Darl Easton should have foreseen that such a controversial appointment would plunge the Tarrant County GOP into division and created a public relations nightmare for our party. The only press the Tarrant GOP has gotten with Darl at the helm is bad press. Instead of taking responsibility for his decisions, as a good leader should, he has tried to shift the blame on his advisers and his opposition. The Tarrant County Republican party needs new leadership if we are to unite and keep Tarrant red. Darl needs to be a man, and recognize that the party is best served with his resignation.

Update #15 years ago
Darl Easton has resigned! see: https://jamestrimmthoughts.blogspot.com/2019/12/tarrant-gop-chair-darl-easton-heeds.html Thank you all for signing the petition!
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