Australia will begin researching a virus to kill feral cats. The government has endorsed an eradication plan, and research has began in finding a “safe and targeted form of biological control.” But how "safe" is this virus, when pet owners are warned that they must immunize their housecats, because the virus doesn't discriminate between feral and domestic. ALL cats would be at risk if this deadly virus is released.
Killing is NOT a humane or morally-acceptable animal management practice. No animal deserves to die a slow and painful death by being infected with a virus. Non-lethal management practices, such as spay/neuter, are available and should be implemented.
Previous attempts at eradicating feral cats on islands has proven nothing but costly, ineffective, and in most cases, counterproductive. When feral cats are removed from island ecosystems (usually to protect birds), rodents and other small mammals (raccoons, skunks, opossums) fill the niche and prey on the native bird populations at the same rate or at an increased rate than did the cats. Removing feral cats only exacerbates the existing problem and creates new problems.
It's estimated that every minute, 11 football fields of forest are cleared. Forests that provide food and shelter for birds and wildlife; forests that are home to billions of species of animals and plants. Forests that filter out toxic chemicals in the air and pollution in the water. Human development is destroying crucial habitat that is necessary for wildlife to live and thrive. Humans are responsible for declining populations of birds and wildlife, NOT cats