Stop Killing the Brumbies

  • by: Anne Novak
  • recipient: Honorable Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia

Killing 6,000 wild horses in Australia is barbaric. Brumbies are awesome, create biodiversity to reverse desertification and deserve to live.

“The global public is outraged that Australia would condone mass killings of wild horses," states Anne Novak, Executive Director of Protect Mustangs in California. "Are they killing off thousands of horses so they can frack the land for oil and natural gas? We ask that the heinous killings cease immediately.” 

Libby Lovegrove, from the group Wild Horses Kimberley, has described aerial culling as a barbaric act of cruelty. . .

“Nobody’s tried to manage them. They’ve just let them breed up and breed up, and then they go out and shoot them. It’s just totally barbaric.”

Lovegrove has also called into question the number of wild horses in the area, telling local media the numbers described by the association were “wildly inflated”.

(Read more: and here: )

We, the undersigned request an immediate moratorium on the Australian Brumby killings, assurance the brumbies will be treated humanely and we encourage eco-tourism because people around the would love wild horses.

Brumbies Photo © Tony Marsh

Update #210 years ago
We had a successful outreach 'Thunderclap' event Nov 13th. It reached more than 117,000 people and their friends to let the world know Australia massacred 7,000 wild horses and wants to kill MORE. Please keep sharing the petition!
Update #110 years ago
Right now YOU can make a difference by sharing the petition and emailing your friends requesting their help by signing and sharing!

Thank you for doing what you can to save the 6000 wild horses from cruel aerial slaughter!!!
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