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The Buffalo Zoo was ranked 6th worst in North America for elephants

Jothi and Surapa, Elephants at the Buffalo Zoo in western New York are kept in cramped conditions with a mere half an acre of space to walk. Keep in mind this is when the elephants aren't locked up in there 20x20 cage (that's only 1800 sq ft) not nearly enough for 2 of the worlds largest land animals to share and move around in. An Asian elephant; like the 2 at the Buffalo Zoo, would naturally span vast distances over many types of terrain to find food and water.

Typically Asian elephants would move around 9-13 miles a day(that's over 64 thousand feet!!). At the Buffalo Zoo, they are forced to walk back and forth between a 1/2 acre (that's only 200 ft) the elephants are kept in their small cages after the zoo closes and stay there until they open the next day. A majority of this animals life is spent in a tiny room. Being highly active, extremely intelligent animals, elephants require complex environments that encourage species-typical movements and behaviors. Landscape features such as slopes and gullies (buffalo zoo's elephant enclosure is flat) and a variety of substrate types, including earth and pasture, are important, as well as dry, dust, and wet mud, wallows, pools, vistas for elephants to view their surroundings, rock features, rubbing surfaces, brush, trees, shady areas and quiet rest locations.

Elephant environments should encourage not only mental activity but exercise, including walking, running, turning, reaching, stretching, climbing, digging, pushing, pulling and lifting. At the Buffalo zoo, the elephants have 2 logs, And a large rubber tire on the ground. They do not even have grass. There isn't elevation change, or any foliage to walk on. There is no stimulus for these highly intelligent creatures. Not only do these animals require extreme physical stimulation they need emotional stimulation. Elephants form strong social and emotional bonds with their families that consist of many mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins. These elephants only have each other. The zoo is located in Delaware Park and is surrounded by the constant flow of heavy traffic. These elephants are forced to breathe in the toxic fumes all day and to live with the sound pollution caused by the automobiles. The area surrounding the zoo is constantly buzzing with loud congested traffic, freeways and highways are both within the range of these sensitive animals on top of the bustling "side city streets" surrounding the zoo. Elephants can hear as low as 14 to 16 Hz, that is lower than a human being! the sounds they endure are much more intense than we can even perceive. not only do elephants have amazing hearing they can feel minute vibrations through the ground up to hundreds of miles. can you imagine having to feel new york traffic under your feet all day? no amount of refurbishing of the enclosure can fix any of these problems. only removing the elephants completely can solve the problems at hand. I want to move these animals to a sanctuary that would accommodate to their needs and allow them to socialize the way nature intended. The Buffalo Zoo was ranked the 6th worst zoo in America according to "In defense of animals."

I am in contact with a sanctuary in Hohenwald, TN and the have agreed to permanently house the elephants under the conditions that Buffalo give them up voluntarily. this sanctuary is soully for the elephants enrichment and only allow the public 1 sunday a month.  clearly they are for the elephants preservation while the zoo makes the elephants act out embarrasing circus acts like painting. The zoo repeatedly says the care is above standard and the elephants don't need to be moved.The sanctuary boasts 2700 acres of FREEDOM for these elephants. Why would buffalo trap them in cages when we have such a beautiful place for them to go? Let's get this petition signed with 100,000! and show buffalo zoo how we feel. And let's not forget our past. this is the 3rd zoo in the United States. It should be an example for zoos everywhere, but instead, Buffalo Zoo was rated 6th worst for elephants in all of North America GET THESE ELEPHANTS TO A BIGGER HABITAT WITH WARMER TEMPERATURES NOW

Instagram: disclosureguru

The elephant is the worlds largest land animal, how horrible to keep them locked up.please show your support and sign and share this petition.

Update #25 years ago
I want to personally thank you for caring about these elephants and I have some new information. Jothi and Surapa will join Panya (54) and Jean (45) in a 10 million dollar, newly renovated, state-of-the-art exhibit designed to address the needs of aging elephants specifically. The one-acre enclosure will be seven times larger than the previous 6,100 square-ft. yard. It will include not one, but two pools, plus hills, real shade trees and an imitation fallen tree for the elephants amusement.
Update #17 years ago
Thank you for your support. We have spoken to the zoo director directly and they have no plans on releasing the elephants as of yet. thankfully we have made it on the local news and they are also trying to reach out to the zoo. The climate is unseasonably cold for this time of year (hail in June) and it is imperative that this climate is not suited for them. It is crunch time and we are not giving up! please visit for more updates on the elephants and much more information.
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