Stop Allowing Animals to Be Used as Raffle Prizes

  • by: Kelly Bick
  • recipient: The Minister for Gaming, Victoria, Australia

Currently legislation in the state of Victoria (Australia) allows animals to be put up as raffle prizes.

The Victorian Gaming Minister has stated in correspondence that he "has been advised there is no evidence that any contravention of animal welfare requirements has arisen as a result of ... where ... an animal has been offered as a prize", and thus "(the Government) is not in a position to amend legislation where there is a lack of evidence that changes are warranted".

With the greater awareness and concern for animal welfare in this current day and age, it is ludicrous that the Victorian Government refuses to take relatively simple action and amend legislation to ensuring no animal has the very real potential of becoming the first documented case of animal suffering because they were obtained through a raffle without careful consideration being given to the care requirements of owning the animal.

To the Hon Edward O'Donohue MLC, Minister for Liquor and Gaming Regulation, Victoria.

The signatories of this petition call on you to reconsider your position on allowing animals to be put up as raffle prizes in the state of Victoria.

We request the government to take a pro-active stance and amendment the current legislation so as to ban animals being used as prizes in raffles, regardless of the fact that to date there are no documented animal welfare cases stemming from the animal being used as a raffle prize.

Yours Sincerely,

Kelly Bick and all the signatories of this petition

Update #111 years ago
Thank you for signing his petition.
Unfortunately the petition has only managed to attract 520 signatures to date, and of those only about 150 are from Australians. With small numbers like these, currently it would be pointless presenting this petition to the minister as it would not be taken seriously.

I will certainly continue to work towards having the legislation amended, and I am heartened that there are many others out there that feel the same way as I do.

Kind Regards
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