Crack Down on Dog Skin Imports!

  • by: Lynn Hamilton
  • recipient: Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Thailand

A dog can be somebody's best friend, but not if he is killed and skinned to make golf gloves.

That's exactly what's happening to many dogs in Asia where illegal smuggling of live dogs and dog meat and skins continues with little regulation. And it's not just stray dogs that end up in the back of a smuggler's truck. Not even family dogs are safe from theft when smugglers can sell their parts for ten dollars.

The most recent evidence of rampant dog slaughter is an abandoned pile of hundreds of dog skins, discovered in Thailand and presumed to have been dumped by smugglers. Though Thailand has laws prohibiting dog slaughter for trade, the demand for dog meat and skin throughout Asia continues to threaten even the most beloved family pets.

Ask Thailand to set an example to the rest of Asia by cracking down on dog smuggling and trading.

Dear Yingluck Shinawatra:

We the undersigned understand that Thailand has instituted laws that make it illegal to hunt and kill dogs for meat and skin. Nevertheless, we feel it's a good time to bring to your attention that these laws need better enforcement. In particular, it is time to crack down on illegal exports of live and dead dogs to other countries in Asia. Dog meat is routinely used in restaurants, and dog skins are used for manufacture of gloves, wallets, purses, and hats. This needs to stop. We implore you to crack down on dog smuggling and enforce laws that prohibit it!

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