Will Chippy survive the next cull? Singapore stop culling Common Macaques!

  • by: Jan Garen
  • recipient: Prime Minister of Singapore.
Singapore had 1,800 common macaques but since 2013, an estimated 1,200 monkeys have been mercilessly culled due to the public view of them as vermin.

No monkeys had been seen in Kent Ridge Park in urbanised Singapore for six years as the last troop were culled. February 8th 2016 a young tame Macaque appeared there. Madam Prema, an elderly lady to whom he came seeking comfort became concerned for his welfare and reported this to Government agencies and NGOs.
After three months of inaction by them all, her fears for his safety increased as she saw Park users physically abusing ‘Chippy’ as she called him and even her for defending him! No Sanctuary in South East Asia would take him as he is a common species. She contacted us at Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary in UK. We agreed to take him and set in motion the necessary paperwork for him to join our existing 6 Macaques.
A cloud of secrecy, misinformation and victimisation of Madam Prema has followed since June. A smokescreen of threats of prosecution for feeding Chippy and therefore being blamed for him being tame are compassionate Madam Prema's reward. He was already tame when found. Despite primate experts around the world including one specialising in Macaques supporting the view that ‘Chippy’ is tame, he has been captured on August 10th and taken so they say to ACRES to be ‘rehabilitated to the wild’. .
Wild Macaques in Singapore have been mercilessly culled in recent years due to ‘conflict with humans’ Wild troops are known to kill lone young monkeys. Many Macaques have been killed on the roads whilst struggling to cope with urban life.
Why stop Chippy coming to Sanctuary? Why refuse to communicate, answer emails and respond to legitimate questions? What are they hiding? They haven’t searched for any illegal pet owner which makes me think they know full well where he came from. I asked weeks ago if he could have come from one of the many labs in the vicinity of Kent Ridge Park – no one replied. It is time for answers.

It is time to stop culling common macaques in Singapore and for humans to recognise that the macaques have a right to live.

Dear Sir,

No monkeys had been seen in Kent Ridge Park in urbanised Singapore for six years as the last troop were culled. February 8th 2016 a young tame Macaque appeared there. Madam Prema, an elderly lady to whom he came seeking comfort became concerned for his welfare and reported this to Government agencies and NGOs.

After three months of inaction by them all, her fears for his safety increased as she saw Park users physically abusing ‘Chippy’ as she called him and even her for defending him! No Sanctuary in South East Asia would take him as he is a common species. She contacted us at Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary in UK. We agreed to take him, respect any confidential information and set in motion the necessary paperwork for him to join our existing 6 Macaques. No one in authority replied to us after AVA initially agreeing to his release in June which is why eventually the whole issue of Chippy became public.

Despite primate experts around the world including one specialising in Macaques supporting the view that ‘Chippy’ is tame, he was captured by NParks on August 10th and taken so they say to ACRES to be ‘rehabilitated to the wild’.

We respectfully wish to know what actually happened to Chippy and an assurance that the victimisation of Madam Prema will stop.If Chippy has been released he is likely to fall victim to culling and that policy is certainly something which Singapore should reconsider.

Update #58 years ago
I am keeping this petition open for the meanwhile because culling Macaques has been a major issue in Singapore. Chippy could be anywhere or he could be dead. It is no longer just about Chippy but without that brave little monkey and his compassionate advocates I would not even know about the killing of Macaques. Please continue to share this petition. The fight is not over.
Update #48 years ago
If Chippy has been released he is likely to become a victim of Singapore's culling policy on Long Tailed Macaques. They are not a protected species. Join the Thunderclap on Twitter for Chippy and all Long Tailed Macaques in Singapore
Update #38 years ago
One very poor image on a video at long distance is all the response we have got. Apart of course from a welter of abuse condoned by ACRES et al. Professor Agoramoothry macaque expert has contributed to Chippy's cause. Read his opinions on the FB page.
Update #28 years ago
40 days of silence. If on Facebook please like this page https://www.facebook.com/Justice-for-Chippy-320080131717152/?skip_nax_wizard=true My personal opinion is that they have killed him. Otherwise why no photos showing how well they are doing with his rehab! It makes no sense.
Update #18 years ago
Still no answers about Chippy's fate. Need more signatures please. We need justice for this little monkey. He has just disappeared with no information given as to his well being.This is totally unacceptable behaviour from Singapore agencies A convicted criminal would have more rights than this little creature. We need answers now.
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