Justice for Martin Bryant
- by: Salama Shaquana
- recipient: Judy Jackson, Attorney General, Minister for Justice
The much maligned Martin Bryant, allegedly the Port Arthur gunman has never had a fair trial, has never had a proper investigation of the circumstances and in fact was convicted without evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt.
Martin Byrant has been in jail for over 10-years without due process.
Apart from two witnesses not one person that was present at Port Arthur on that fateful day picked Martin Byrant out as the gunman. In fact Byrant was never put into a line-up. Of the two witnesses who did single out Byrant they identified him weeks after the event. During this period Bryant%u2019s picture was plastered across every broadsheet and across every media outlet in this country. Locals who knew Byrant and who were at Port Arthur on that fateful day stated that Byrant wasn%u2019t the gunman. Byrant was picked out on a loose description based on the colour of his hair. Witnesses also stated the gunman was in his late teens early 20%u2019s with pockmarked skin. Martin Byrant was in his late 20%u2019s with very smooth skin.
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