Save the Blue Whales!

  • by: Ann Ward
  • recipient: Sri Lanka Government

Blue Whales are dying off the coast of Sri Lanka in rapidly increasing numbers due to that governments effort to increase economic conditions by encouraging whale watching excursions. The Sri Lanka government does not regulate these ship excursions or other coastal ship traffic and the endangered Blue Whales are being killed by ship propellers!

Blue Whales are frequently found dead with severed tails and other propeller injuries that experts contend is a slow, torturous manner of death.

The head marine biologist at the Sri Lankan Blue Whale Project, Asha deVos, hopes the Sri Lankan government will enact laws similar to the United States that prohibit ships from coming within a minimum of 100 yards of Blue Whales.

Please support this recommendation and demand the Sri Lankan Government save the Blue Whales!

Attn: Government of Sri Lanka

Your country is very fortunate to have the endangered Blue Whales making your coastal lines their home. Unfortunately, their population is quickly dwindling, due in part, to deaths caused by ship propellers of whale watching vessels!

Please protect these magnificent whales by implementing regulations that will prevent ships from purposefully coming too close to them. Current recommendations in many countries, warn against ships coming within a minimum of 100 yards. Sri Lanka has no such regulations and the Blue Whales are being butchered by ship propellers.

We (the undersigned) implore the Sri Lankan government to act immediately to save the Blue Whales!


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