Give Us An End To Fireworks On Every Day Apart From Bonfire Night.

I don't expect people without animals to agree with this petition. I know that Bonfire Night is great for children and adults alike.

However, the effect that these bangers and fireworks have on our animals is heart wrenching. The dogs shake with fear and can't even leave the house for toilet purposes. We love them as they are members of our family but no matter what we try, it does not help. They are literally petrified. 

We live in London and it is no longer Bonfire Night fireworks. It is every night fireworks for months on end.

It is not acceptable. It is antisocial. 

Fireworks are only allowed in Scotland on Bonfire Night and in Ireland, they are banned altogether.

I want the same laws for the rest of the UK.                                                                  Let us protect all our animals, wild and domesticated alike.

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