Urge Craigslist to Prohibit the Sale of Animals
Urge Craigslist to stop the sale of animals. Numerous advertisements and posts on Craigslist sell or ask to buy live animals, some of them to be fed alive to snakes and other vague requests. The access to these advertisements and permission to post about selling or buying live animals promotes animal cruelty and provides zero guarantee that the animals will be in safe hands. For instance, mice and kittens are often being sold on Craigslist to be fed alive to snakes, which is an tremendously painful death and is one of the examples of animal cruelty that Craigslist promotes. Animals sold on Craigslist include, but are not limited to: snakes, lizards, chameleons, dogs, cats, mice, hamsters, rats, cows, pigs, parrots, ducks, hens, and horses. People sell animals for money, and therefore, they do not run thorough background checks on anyone who they would go to and as a result, most of the animals are neglected, abused, or killed (often in the most gruesome ways). It also promotes the idea that animals are machines or objects to be abused or exploited and leads to much pain and encourages sadistic behavior, not just towards animals. The sale of exotic animals largely interferes with ecosystems and is the major contributor to species extinction and animal abuse. Join us by signing this petition, ask Craigslist to put a ban on the sale of animals on the website and any posts related to such to protect animals from abuse, neglect, and extinction (exotic animals).
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