Charge the police who shot a Black double amputee to death!

  • by: OD Action
  • recipient: Department of Justice

As the nation grieves for Tyre Nichols, police have already committed yet another appalling murder of a Black man. Police shot and killed Anthony Lowe Jr. while he was suffering a mental health episode in Huntingdon Beach, California.

The killing is even more inexcusable than it already is because Lowe Jr. is a double amputee who uses a wheelchair. Video shows Lowe Jr., terrified of the cops advancing with guns drawn, attempting to run away on the stumps of his legs before he is shot and killed.

Punish the killer cops who murdered Anthony Lowe Jr!

While he was holding a knife and had reportedly stabbed someone, it is obvious that he did not pose a real threat to the police and the situation could easily have been handled peacefully with a mediator or any kind of de-escalation — but they killed him almost immediately without a thought.

Barely one month into 2023, and American police have already killed 79 people. We need transformational, top-to-bottom reform of the way American policing works at its very core — but first, we need to hold the killers responsible for their actions.

Charge the police who shot a Black double amputee to death!

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