• recipient: Mr. Αlexandros Dimou, Kerkyra Deputy Mayor for Urban Environment and Civil Protection

On February 20th, about 60 dogs were taken from a hoarding facility in Alepou, Kerkyra (Greece). The Ark, a local animal welfare organization, took in the puppies and most of them have been adopted.

However, 47 adult dogs were taken to the Synadinos kennel, who is a training and boarding facility, but to this day their fate is unknown.

A local vet has offered to have these dogs sterilized, for just the costs of medication, and we, Corfu residents and animal lovers, want to help rehoming these dogs.

We demand that Corfu Deputy Mayor, Mr. Demou, offically allows representatives from the local welfare groups to enter the facility where these dogs are being temporarily kept, and provides them with an official escort, to make sure they are allowed entry so they can ensure the dogs are all accounted for, that they are kept in humane conditions pertaining to the Greek regulations concerning to animal welfare, including, but not limited to :

  • Verifying that all 47 dogs are accounted for,
  • Verifying that they are being kept in humane condition, which implies being properly fed, and have a decent shelter from the elements,
  • Making sure males and females are being kept separately, to prevent more unwanted puppies,
  • Being allowed to immediately take away the ones who have health issues and may need medical attention.

Last but not least, we demand that Mr. Demou and the Kerkyra Council hold a meeting with the local welfare organizations to start arranging for the rehoming of these dogs, as soon as possible.

On February 20, 2014, about 60 dogs were taken from a hoarding facility in Alepou, Kerkyra (Greece). The Ark, a local animal welfare organization, took in the puppies to rehme them, but 47 adult dogs were taken to the Synadinos kennel, who is a training and boarding facility. To this date, their fate is unknown.

We, the undersigned, call on Mr. Αlexandros Dimou, Deputy Mayor for Urban Environment and Civil Protection in Kerkyra (Greece) to allow, in writing, for  representatives from the local welfare groups to enter the facility where these dogs are being temporarily kept, and provides them with an official escort, to make sure they are allowed entry so they can ensure the dogs are all accounted for, that they are kept in humane conditions pertaining to the Greek regulations concerning to animal welfare, including, but not limited to :

  • Verifying that they are all 47 dogs are accounted for,

  • Verifying that they are being kept in humane condition, which implies being properly fed, and have a decent shelter from the elements,

  • Making sure males and females are being kept separately, to prevent more unwanted puppies,

  • Being allowed to immediately take away the ones who have health issues and may need medical attention.

Last but not least, we demand that Mr. Demou and the Kerkyra Council hold a meeting with the local welfare organizations to start arranging for the rehoming of these dogs, as soon as possible.

Thank you for doing the right thing. Eυχαριστουμε που κανετε το σωστο.

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