Humane Euthanasian rather than surrendering

    My son adopted a dog off Craig's List. The person who gave him the dog did not tell him that the dog had alot of behavior issues; such as biting; not getting along with other animals; and sometime attaching other dogs. Then my son left his dog with me and I, being the the dogs FOURTH OWNER.......was left with a dog who caused me, my dog, and my cats, a great amount of stress and anxiety. After a year and a half of trying to train the dog, I took the dog to my vet to have her humanly put to sleep and was told "no' they would not do that for behavior issues. Then I proceeded to call local shelters and veterinarians and they all said no, they would not do that for behavior issues. That left me with the problem that somebody else created when she was a puppy, she is now eleven years old, and again I am her FOURTH owner. I proceeded to contact a person who is in charge of a shelter and was told to surrender her and 'do not tell anyone about the issues she has.' THIS IS THE PROBLEM.....THIS PERSON IS IN CHARGE OF AN ORGANIZATION THAT IS TO BE HELPING ANIMALS AND THIS PERSON TOLD ME TO SURRENDER HER AND DO NOT TELL ANY OF HER ISSUES.....THIS WHOLE SYSTEM IS A DISGRACE. THAT IS A HORRIBLE THING TO BE TELLING PEOPLE TO DO. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE PET OWNER IS JUST TRYING TO DO THE RIGHT THING AND HAVE THE PET THAT THEY LOVE PUT TO SLEEP HUMANELY. I WANT PEOPLE TO WAKE UP......WAKE UP PEOPLE.......YOU DO NOT TELL PEOPLE TO SURRENDER THEIR PETS THAT THEY LOVE AND ARE TRUELY TRYING TO GET HELP AND DO THE RIGHT THING FOR THEM AND THIEIR PET AND FOR A PERSON WHO WOULD HAVE BEEN A FUTURE OWNER AND GIVEN THE PROBLEM................DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU....................... As a pet owner, my pets are my family. And when it comes time for me to have them humanely put to sleep at a veterinarians office, I should be allowed to do that. I feel it is a great disservice for an animal to be surrendered to another person or to the local animal shelter, when in reality the nicest, kindest thing to do as a person who loves the animal is to take it to the veterinarians office and have it humanly put to sleep. And you can stay with the pet it you choose to, and get back their ashes if you choose to do that.
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