Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get these abusive workers fired at this Toronto Turkey Farm and close down this facility until better protection is implemented as to who works there and how they care for the animals.
This is a turkey farm that is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada which is one of the world’s leading turkey producers. However, these animals do not deserve to be treated abusively and cruelly. A video was placed in the facility that caught four specific workers clubbing, kicking and abusing the birds. This company is known as Hybrid Turkeys who suspended these four people after viewing the disturbing video of abuse. Footage also shows workers apparently crushing the spines of birds while others are left to die from festering and bloody wounds. One of the spokespeople for the “Mercy for Animals” organizations stated that the hidden price of Canadian turkey meat is clearly horrific animal abuse!!
Hybrid claims that they have suspended these abusers and are taking “steps for ethical treatment of its turkeys.” A little late, don’t you think? The manager of the company says they have zero tolerance for animal abuse but obviously have not taken proper steps in hiring more reliable, responsible people to care for the birds.
These employees need to be fired immediately from their position and not allowed to ever work with or even own animals in the future. If they treat these turkeys so abusively, they should not be allowed to spread the abuse and cruelty to other beings in any capacity!
Hybrid needs to close its doors until they can implement better protection laws and protocol in hiring and caring for the turkeys. Mercy for Animals said national standards across the county need to be tightened to include immediate veterinary care for sick or injured birds. All facilities that handle farmed animals should install video monitoring and live stream the footage on the Internet. Other requests by the organization include foregoing some profits by not breeding turkeys for rapid growth that can leave them crippled under their own weight. Some of the birds suffer from bone defects, hip-joint lesions, foot and leg deformities, and heart attacks as a result of the unnaturally fast growth, Mercy said.
Up until now, about 60 percent of turkeys raised and killed annually for food comes from Hybrid. It is horrifying to realize what the birds had to endure during the process, and is very devastating! The information and video can be viewed at .
Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get these abusive workers fired at this Toronto Turkey Farm and close down this facility until better protection is implemented as to who works there and how they care for the animals.
David Libertini of Hybrid Turkeys, Ontario, and Canadian Law Enforcement – These people who were videotaped must be severely punished for clear cases of animal abuse and cruelty with the horrific treatment of the turkeys! Not only should they be fired, they should be held accountable to the highest extent of the law and never be allowed to work with or own animals for the rest of their lives. Hybrid turkeys also need to keep their doors closed until all their birds are in a healthy state and they implement better protection through strict protocol when hiring people to care for the animals.
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