Repair Mulholland Highway aka "The snake"

The road was damaged during the recent fires and rains. The city is not taking any action to repair and to re-open it antytime soon.

Update #35 years ago
Here is a first anwer we got. We will ask for more details especially when Latigo and west Mulholland are being fixed.

Thank you for contacting the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. Public Works has been working with state and federal agencies to identify and secure emergency recovery funding to perform the necessary repairs on Mulholland Highway. Public Works is unable to provide a timeline of when these repairs will be completed at this time.
Update #25 years ago
We prepared an email to be sent this Monday to Deputy Director of LA county transportation. Some of you pointed out the Snake is not Agoura Hills jurisdiction. We made the necessary changes to LA county and moving forward will reach out directly to the concerned party. We will share the email as the reply if any
Update #15 years ago
Almost 100 signatures, pretty good start, keep sharing with friends and family.
Thank you
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