Stop Unregulated Domestic Breeding of Parrots

At present, there are hundreds of thousands of parrots bred for the pet industry as a source of income for many people. There is no present regulation determining the amount of birds bred, or taxation on the income from the breeding of these birds. Not only is there no taxes paid, a majority of these parrots are ending up in sanctuaries and rescues or worse. 

A large majority of these birds that are bred for the pet industry will be passed to 4 and 5 different homes before they are 25 years old. This is due to the fact that many are only first to third generation bred from the wild bringing high maintenance to handle as well as long life span. Many sanctuaries rehome and adopt these birds out to the public as companion pets for a fee, only to find out that a large majority are returned and adopted out several times. Past practice is for animal advocates and rescuers to turn on each other for a few funded dollars.

The goal is to review, discuss, and to divise a plan to initiate regulations, and propose taxation on any parrot breeding on a federal level.

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