Ban Animal Abusers From Owning Livestock!

Do you agree that every convicted animal abuser should be banned from owning livestock?

Add your name if you want to make this happen, NOW!

"The Tennessee Legislature is considering a bill that would prevent convicted animal abusers from owning a pet," reported a local NBC outlet. The motion is called House Bill 1643.

If it it passes, it would "prevent anyone convicted of animal cruelty, abuse or other offenses against animals from owning a companion animal for at least two years after their conviction."

Isn't this the sort of responsible animal welfare law you want to see?

We need this a law like this to cover livestock animals too. 

Think about it - what use is rescuing one animal from the clutches of someone like Michael Vick, if all they have to do is get another dog as soon as authorities drive away? The same applies to people abuse livestock animals such as horses, donkeys, mules, and more.

Don't you want to do your part to help protect animals from cruel, heartless people?

Then add your name to ask Bernie Sanders to draft legistlation that would give livestock animals the protection they deserve!

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