• by: Mary LaValley
  • recipient: This petition is directed to the Rowan County, Kentucky authorities. It’s expected that it will also be presented on Humane Lobby Day, February 24, 2015.

Envision a momma that can't save her dying pup because she is chained. Envision a 6 month old pup dead at the end of a chain. How he must have felt slowly starving to death, cold and afraid - his momma not able to get to him. If she had been able to reach him, to warm him, he may have survived long enough to be saved. Envision a foster mom that has to hold back food in fear of doing more harm.
“Alleged" neglected, starved Doberman, Lola was rescued by STAR on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. She is safe in foster care now and being nursed back to health.
She and her puppy were living outside in the cold on chains with no body mass to survive the winter. Her baby, tethered to the other chain, died. Lola is half of what she should weigh, anemic, has a low body temperature, open wounds, terrible skin and ears, no muscle tone, and so weak, she falls going up stairs or climbing out of car. Thankfully Lola was saved before she too perished.

Please prosecute the individual who allegedly neglected and abused this beautiful animal as a Class D Felony to the maximum extent available under the law.

Update #310 years ago
Lola’s abuser has accepted a plea agreement for two counts of animal cruelty. He will serve time. This is a good step toward setting a precedent, county by county in Kentucky for animal cruelty crimes.
Lola continues to improve!
Our goal is now to gather as many signatures as possible for presentation on Lobby day sponsored by the Humane Society of Kentucky, February 26, 2015.
Please continue to sign, share and tweet.

Update #210 years ago
Lola had a very successful vet visit! Her weight is up to 54 pounds! A 20 pound increase since STAR rescued her. When the tech announced her weight, everyone in the office clapped...it was a nice moment.She is no longer anemic! Amazing for a girl who was so close to a blood transfusion just weeks ago.

Thanks for continuing to share in preparation for Humane Lobby Day on Feb. 24 and the court date of Feb. 26th
Update #110 years ago

Oh my gosh...the ENERGY! Lol! She's jumping around and excited by her toys. She fetches, she gives kisses, she snuggles, she thinks she's a lapdog! Kevin taught her to sit and shake hands. Smart, smart doggie. Still not thrilled with the other dogs, but we're working on it. Oh, and she LOVES to go for rides, but thinks she should be the driver...she's gained weight, so it's quite a struggle to keep her in the backseat! Bottom line...she's a happy dog who's improving daily. Love her!

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