Reinvestigate and Inflict Stronger Punishment of Belfast Dog Fighting Animal Abusers!!!

  • by: SUE LEE
  • recipient: Judge and Judicial System in Belfast

Please sign and share this petition worldwide to get these animal abusers involved in pit bull training and fighting more severely punished for their cruel behavior. Even the local police are appalled at the light sentence these guys received after training the dogs to fight to the death!!

Jeremiah Kirkwood, 43, and his sons Chris, 23, and Wayne, 20, from Island Street, admitted keeping and/or training animals in connection with dog fights. Jamie Morrow, 19, from McAllister Court, admitted a charge of keeping or training animals in connection with an animal fight. There actions were brutal; yet they have been giving suspended sentences for such animal brutality. Police said they were "very disappointed at the outcome" of the trial. "This type of crime can receive a custodial sentence of up to two years and, given the horrific nature of this particular incident, we would have envisaged a sentence that would have acted as a greater deterrent." Detective Inspector Mullan respects the decision of the court but is extremely disappointed with the inappropriate sentencing.

These four men used these dogs for blood battles. As the Officer stated, “Dogs are blooded in this way in order to train them to fight other animals in blood sports including badgers, foxes and deer.” These guys were caught and even admitted to the crimes and justice was not served for all the bait animals used to their deaths and the dogs that “lost” the battle in the ring!! At the raid, they seized a mobile phone that contained three videos, including one that was recorded in August of that year showing four dogs killing a cat. They also found several "well constructed kennels" in the yard, five adult bull lurcher dogs, which displayed injuries consistent with animal fights, while four bull terrier puppies were discovered under a heat lamp in a shed. The puppies, who were around three weeks old, were found without a nursing mother present and with their tails docked.

This was one of the biggest and worst dog fighting rings discovered in Belfast, with tons of hard evidence and guilty pleas presented from the men convicted themselves. They do not deserve to be suspended and out walking the streets, planning their next dog fighting scheme. You can bet they are!! They need to be in jail! Please sign and share this petition worldwide to get these animal abusers involved in pit bull training and fighting more severely punished for their cruel behavior. Even the local police are appalled at the light sentence these guys received after training the dogs to fight to the death!!



Judge and Judicial System in Belfast – You need to try this case again and inflict stronger punishments on these four guys guilty of the dog fighting rings as they even admitted to doing. These men need to be in jail, should pay some high fines for the terrible animal abuse and cruelty and take away all of their rights in ever owning or coming near another animal the rest of their lives! They most definitely do not deserve this suspended sentence for all the pain, suffering and blood they allowed on these poor dogs. Lock them up and throw away the key!!!

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