Petition for the City of Jerusalem

A Souverighn City/State

Petition for the City of Jerusalem


 United Nations Security Council

Sponsored by: 

Leah PettePiece

A Souverighn City/State
While the struggle for Peace in the middle east continues  it is the opinion of the writers of this petition that Jerusalem should become a viable soverreign city/state. Jerusalem is the home of three of the worlds greatest religions, Christianity whose birth came about as a result of the teahcing of Jesus who some call Christ in approximately 86-100AD; Judaism which dates its history to the time of Moses in or about 1900BCE; and Islam which was the result of the teaching of Mohamed with a birth date of 622CE. These three religions have been the most influential in the world with millions of follwers, they share the great city of Jerusalem as a center vital to their beliefs.
It would give great hope to the followers of each religion if the city of Jerusalem became an enclave seperated in its entirety from both Israel and Palestine, with boundaries considered geographically seperate from each country and seperate unto its own right.
Such boundaries would be administered by a government comprised of United Nations Peace Keepers at the begining and eventually taken over by a conglomorate of the three major religions leaders.
The seperation of Jerusalem from the both the country of Israel and the country of Palestine would be a step toward a center of the worlds three major religions. The boundaries would need to be established so that all of the religious buildings, artifacts, museums, and anthropological sites become neutral ground. These boundaries would in effect remove a unified Jerusalem from the grasp of either the governments of Israel or Palestine. Forming an enclave where all peoples of these faiths could feel protected and free from domination of any single one of the religions, promoting unity where once there were boundaries and fear.
Holy Sites and Treasures
Within the unified city of Jerusalem there would be many Holy Sites, religious buildings,artifacts and treasures belonging to all three major religions. These Holy Sites would need to be administered by the United Nations for a number of years until stability in the City/State was achieved. Although overseen by the United Nations the religious leaders of all three religions would be consulted as to visitations of sacred sites, museum establishments, religious services, continued exploration and preservation of all.
As a City State the travel of all religions would be allowed within its confines with courtesies for the followers of each belief to be upheld by all that visit there. This would call for the establishment of a central guard or uniformed group drawn from the United Nations Peace Keeping Forces and from the worlds leaders of each religion.
Much as is done in Vatican City the protective forces used for this unified city/state would need to be a neutral force well versed in the religious restrictions of each of the three religions. 
This  city/state would form a self governing independent area maintain its own untilities, streets, and public services as well as police force. This potentially could be formed on the same principles that govern Vatican City.
 Boundaries of the New Jerusalem
In the period of 1948-1967 Jerusalem was intended to remain a separate site under international supervision, a 'Corpus Seperatum' in the words of the United Nations. This was changed in November of 1947, the UN General Assembly in it 128th plenary session passed a Resolution partitioning Palestine to establish a Jewish state thus deviding Jerusalem. It would be necessary for the UN to adopt once again this area as a serperate city/state. Although part of the city now resides inside Isarel, Palestine and Jordan this particular area would neither recognize nor answer to any country. It could become the true Spritual center of the World. Promoting Peace,and Prosperity for its inhabitants and eventually leading to a peaceful resolution of the conflict that has been on going in the region since the establishment of Israel in 1948.
 The City of Jerusalem lies on the line along 35 degrees 13 minutes east, latitude 31 degrees 52 minutes north.These  peramiters would once again need to be set. International law has recognized the Jewish right to sovereignty over the land of Israel for too longl
If ever there was a time that this idea should be put forth it is now. Jerusalem is sacred in many ways and should be preserved  as a soverign state held in common by the three major religions who have sacred sites within its boundaries.

A Sovereign City/State
While the struggle for Peace in the middle east continues  it is the opinion of the writers of this petition that Jerusalem should become a viable sovereign city/state. Jerusalem is the home of three of the worlds greatest religions, Christianity whose birth came about as a result of the teaching of Jesus who some call Christ in approximately 86-100AD; Judaism which dates its history to the time of Moses in or about 1900BCE; and Islam which was the result of the teaching of Mohamed with a birth date of 622CE. These three religions have been the most influential in the world with millions of followers, they share the great city of Jerusalem as a center vital to their beliefs.
It would give great hope to the followers of each religion if the city of Jerusalem became an enclave separated in its entirety from both Israel and Palestine, with boundaries considered geographically separate from each country and separate unto its own right.
Such boundaries would be administered by a government comprised of United Nations Peace Keepers at the beginning and eventually taken over by a conglomerate of the three major religions leaders.
The separation of Jerusalem from the both the country of Israel and the country of Palestine would be a step toward a center of the worlds three major religions. The boundaries would need to be established so that all of the religious buildings, artifacts, museums, and anthropological sites become neutral ground. These boundaries would in effect remove a unified Jerusalem from the grasp of either the governments of Israel or Palestine. Forming an enclave where all peoples of these faiths could feel protected and free from domination of any single one of the religions, promoting unity where once there were boundaries and fear.
Holy Sites and Treasures
Within the unified city of Jerusalem there would be many Holy Sites, religious buildings, artifacts and treasures belonging to all three major religions. These Holy Sites would need to be administered by the United Nations for a number of years until stability in the City/State was achieved. Although overseen by the United Nations the religious leaders of all three religions would be consulted as to visitations of sacred sites, museum establishments, religious services, continued exploration and preservation of all.
As a City State the travel of all religions would be allowed within its confines with courtesies for the followers of each belief to be upheld by all that visit there. This would call for the establishment of a central guard or uniformed group drawn from the United Nations Peace Keeping Forces and from the worlds leaders of each religion.
Much as is done in Vatican City the protective forces used for this unified city/state would need to be a neutral force well versed in the religious restrictions of each of the three religions. 
This  city/state would form a self governing independent area maintain its own utilities, streets, and public services as well as police force. This potentially could be formed on the same principles that govern Vatican City.
 Boundaries of the New Jerusalem
In the period of 1948-1967 Jerusalem was intended to remain a separate site under international supervision, a 'Corpus Seperatum' in the words of the United Nations. This was changed in November of 1947, the UN General Assembly in it 128th plenary session passed a Resolution partitioning Palestine to establish a Jewish state thus dividing Jerusalem. It would be necessary for the UN to adopt once again this area as a separate city/state. Although part of the city now resides inside Isarel, Palestine and Jordan this particular area would neither recognize nor answer to any country. It could become the true Spiritual center of the World. Promoting Peace, and Prosperity for its inhabitants and eventually leading to a peaceful resolution of the conflict that has been on going in the region since the establishment of Israel in 1948.
 The City of Jerusalem lies on the line along 35 degrees 13 minutes east, latitude 31 degrees 52 minutes north. These  parameters would once again need to be set. International law has recognized the Jewish right to sovereignty over the land of Israel for too longl
If ever there was a time that this idea should be put forth it is now. Jerusalem is sacred in many ways and should be preserved  as a sovereign state held in common by the three major religions who have sacred sites within its boundaries.

We offer here a simple solution to the problems that plagues the area of Jerusalem and her holy sites. A solution which, if adopted, could move the entire area of the middle east a step closer to peace.
It is our sincere hope that those of you who read this petition find it impelling enough to sign.
Once we have received the requisite 1,000 signatures this petition will be sent to the UN Security council in hope that they will once again open the dialogue of Jerusalem as Corpus Seperatum, a city/state maintained by no single country but held as a sacred trust for the people of the three major religions who have sacred sites within her boundaries.
Please consider signing this petition for Jerusalem, the Golden City set on seven hills.
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