Tell Suffolk City Council to Vote "NO" to the 2045 Comprehensive Plan

City Council - Listen to Suffolk Citizens!
We urge City Council to vote NO on the 2045 Comprehensive Plan. 

The draft 2045 Comprehensive Plan:

  • Ignores citizen input
  • Emphasizes building warehouses and suburban sprawl
  • Contains huge increases to Suffolk's Growth Areas
  • Will drastically change land use and facilitate rezoning for developers
  • Does not include a Fiscal Impact Analysis to evaluate the future tax burden of these changes
  • Does not protect our drinking water, watersheds or prime farmland

The State of Virginia only requires that the current comprehensive plan be reviewed. The City has done that. We don't need or want the 2045 Comprehensive Plan. 

Sign this petition today to let Suffolk City Council know that you oppose the 2045 Comprehensive Plan. The vote is on August 21st.

Help spread the word. Talk to your neighbors. Share the petition. Post on social media.

Check out our website for more information:

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