Nobel Peace Prize for the Ladies in White of Cuba

Nobel Peace Prize 

Norwegian Nobel Commitee

19 Drammensveien

N-0255 Oslo 2, Norway

Dear Nobel Committee Members:

I am writing to nominate Cuba's Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White) for the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2003 Cuban dictator Fidel Castro executed the regime most violent and broad crackdown on dissidents in recent history. During this time, the regime tried to silence the voices of more than 75 human rights activists, journalists, and political opposition leaders who dared to speak out against injustices suffered under the dictatorship.

In light of this tragic event, the mothers, wives, and relatives of these dissidents joined together to form the Damas de Blanco. Their mission has been to peacefully protest the wrongful imprisonment of their loved ones. Since 2003, the Damas de Blanco have attended Mass each Sunday dressed in white and then silently walked through the streets

of Havana. Their white clothing symbolizes peace in the face of injustice. Despite receiving repression,  threats and enduring intimidation by the Castro regime, the Damas de Blanco have remained committed to their struggle for liberty.

Their dedication to human rights has not gone unnoticed. In 2005, the Damas the Blanco received the European Parliament highly regarded Sakharov Price, and, in 2006, Human Rights First Prize. These courageous activists are an inspiration to all who value freedom.

The Damas de Blanco are a shining example of sacrifice, perseverance, and hope for the entire world, and I respectfully submit their nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Les Femmes en Blanc ont lutte pendant 7 ans pour obtenir la liberation de ces prisonniers politiques cubains incarcers pour demander que les droits de l'homme soient respects sur l'ile. Les Femmes en Blanc ont subi et continuent de souffrir de repression pour pacifiquement exigeant la libration de ces prisonniers politiques comme indique par les medias internationaux.

Las Damas de Blanco llevan luchando mas de 7 anios por lograr que sean liberados los presos politicos cubanos encarcelados por pedir que se respeten los Derechos Humanos en la isla.
Las Damas de Blanco han sufrido, y sufren, represion por reclamar  pacificamente la excarcelacion de dichos presos politicos como consta en todos los medios de prensa. 

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