Most of us still ignore the cruelty behind the fur industry. Minks, rabbits, foxes, lynx, chinchillas and other animals raised for their furs are forced to live their entire lives into filthy wire cages. Exposure to harsh weather conditions and survival without clean water, adequate food and space and self mutilation causes many of them to go insane. A study in Danemark indicates that approximately 17 percent of minks raised in fur farms are dying prematurely as a result of stress, poor sanitation, and cannibalism.
Fur trapping is just as cruel. Leghold traps are used to capture wild animals, holding them tightly between their two metal jaws. These are powered by high strength springs that shuts themselves on the paw as soon as triggered. Not only are they causing severe bleeding and injuries, but the animal will most of the time try to escape and cause himself even more damages than the trap did. They will mutilate themselves, break bones and teeth, rip tendons in their struggling to break free.
Traps are also a danger for children, companion animals and other animals (including endangered species). After one, two, three, or even more days of languishing, the trapper will come back to take him, and kill him.
''To kill the animals without damaging their fur, trappers usually strangle, beat, or stomp them to death. Animals on fur farms may be gassed, electrocuted, poisoned with strychnine, or have their necks snapped. These methods are not 100 percent effective and some animals "wake up" while being skinned.'' - buying the tiniest fur trim on items and accessories such as purses, bikinis, sweatshirts, hats and boots encourages the cruel practices of the fur industry.
Tell Burberry that you won't buy their products until they adopt a permanant fur-free pledge.

Once the petition reaches it's goal, it will be sent to:
Angela Ahrendts, CEO
Burberry Group PLC
18-22 Haymarket
London SW1 4DQ
United Kingdom