Fire San Marcos Police Chief Howard Williams!

UPDATE:  The mayor of San Marcos, in her infinite wisdom, has chosen to believe Stephens and Williams rather than her own eyes, I guess.  NOTHING is going to happen to Stephens, according to her.  She is horrified that he has received death threats (for which I, for one, would like to see some proof) and the City Manager's office has stated, regarding Stephens, that "you don't know what he has been through."  We are supposed to feel sorry for Stephens after what he did to those kids!  Is everyone in San Marcos government completely crazy?

And where were those paragons of law enforcement during the mayor's press conference?  No where to be seen.  I expect they were cowering behind her skirts like the craven and cowardly bullies they are.

I'm sure it won't take long before most everyone in the city administration figures out that the mayor took the wrong side in this.

Anyway, here are links to two other petitions, one to remove Stephens and one to boycott San Marcos.

An idea for a new motto for San Marcos:

"San Marcos - The OTHER Jasper"

Here are the links to the Fire Stephens and Fire Williams and Boycott San Marcos petitions.  I realize that petitions are not the complete answer but it's something to do in between phoning San Marcos City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce, etc.

By refusing to do more than slap the hand of Officer Paul Stephens, Police Chief Howard Williams, in effect, has told every pet owner in the country (and especially around San Marcos, Texas) to ignore the police in an emergency situation.  His actions have put countless innocent bystanders at risk by encouraging those who are rushing a loved one to medical care to NEVER stop if a police officer tries to ticket them.  He has, not in words but in action, stated that if you want your loved one to die in your arms, pay attention to the cops.  What a guy.
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