A Legislative Bill Proposal To Better Facilitate The Elderly

This bill entails a discussion of irresponsible behavior to be monitored more closely by children who go astray while abandoning, neglecting, or placing their elderly parent(s) in reckless situations.

We the undersigned propose a bill intended for the state legislature to contemplate, improve and advance senior decision-making targeted to better fit their needs. The intention is to facilitate the elderly who are in delicate stages of their lives who can or cannot be capable or competent to comprehend the consequences of their behavior. 

After a certain age, preferably 18 years of their estimated passing away, their children should be accountable for unlawful, prohibited, illegitimate or illicit actions of their aged parents.

Parents are accountable for their children until age 18.  And, a reverse expectation should be mandated for the health and safety of the elderly parent by holding children more accountable for their parents actions.

There are many senior adults who inattentively break the law then suffer the trauma of the justice system.  One case, involved Leta Johnson, a refined senior and avid rancher who hoarded a vast sum of animals until she was convicted of animal neglect and abuse.  Leta died on the day of her conviction.  Another involved a refined senior who had a slight case of dementia. Among other things, loneliness may have resulted in her wandering. When the neighbors mail was found in her possession opened, authorities were alerted.  She soon disappeared after that. 

Countless sums of elderly are in prison because it was little Johnny 20th time in prison for drug related crimes and now he is looking at life. So, Gramma decides to take the rap for a year and a day.

Unsafe and overcrowded jails and prisons are not for the seniors of America!  Take the time to visit your elderly parents before anything heartbreaking happens. Support their independency instead of taking away their pets then tossing them into foster homes. Encourage your grandchildren to take an interest in their historic lives.  Many traumatic ordeals could be avoided because there are many services and events in the community for seniors.

Help cause legislators to enact progressively toward tougher laws to solve elder neglect by offering the legislature new meaning.  Help prevent reckless behavior from occurring by seniors while their children are absent. Take an interest and demand that this generation stop elder neglect and abuse by signing this petition. Present your view.

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