On February 9th 2014, Copenhagen Zoo killed Marius, a healthy 18 month old giraffe, in an attempt to avoid in-breeding within the zoo. Marius was killed with a bolt gun to avoid contamination of his remains, in order that he could be fed to the tigers and other carnivores within the zoo.  His autopsy was then broadcast live on the internet and to visitors at the zoo.

This decision was made despite thousands of people worldwide signing online petitions appealing for his transfer to one of a number of zoos who were willing to provide Marius accomodation. The zoo argues that the decision was the right one, on scientific grounds and in relation to European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) rules on breeding.

The general public’s opinion globally has been overwhelming, with many people calling for a review of the Zoo’s policy on breeding and reflection on the value that should have been placed on Marius’s life regardless of the breeding issues involved.

Tell Copenhagen Zoo it is time for a thorough review of their current breeding policy and remind them that the public’s opinion DOES matter when it comes to deciding the fate of animals in their care.

Update #311 years ago
Thanks for your support. The first 2,000 signatures were sent yesterday to Copenhagen Zoo/EAZA and the petition will close soon. Please also sign:
Update #211 years ago
Thank you for your support on this petition. The total number of signatures collected so far will be forwarded to Copenhagen Zoo and EAZA in the coming few hours. Please continue singing other Marius related petitions and as many other animal rights/welfare petitions as possible.
Update #111 years ago
HI everyone

Thank you so much to everyone who has signed the Marius petition so far. We still have some way to go yet however before we reach our 10,000 target. So please keep signing, keep spreading the word of the petition.

Although there is now also a petiton about a second healthy giraffe possibly being killed soon in Jyllands Zoo, it is also important not to lose sight of Marius's petition, and the need to deliver a clear message about how wrong that decision was.


Julia x
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