Speak up for Safe Streets in Alameda

The streets of Alameda are an important part of our community. They allow children to get to school and parents to get to work. They bring together neighbors and draw visitors to neighborhood stores.

We applaud the City Council’s recent unanimous support for taking up the United States Department of Transportation’s “Mayor’s Challenge for safer people, safer streets.” We need you to continue to stand up for safety.

In taking this challenge, you spoke clearly that our streets ought to be designed for everyone – whether young or old, on foot or on bicycle, in a car or in a bus – and that the old ways of designing them only for speeding cars or creeping traffic jams were in the past. In doing so, you took a strong stand for creating an even more livable community for people to live, play, work, and shop.

At some point, most of us are pedestrians, drivers and bicyclists.

By signing we support:

  • Developing safe, protected, dedicated space in our streets for people who drive, bicycle and walk.
  • Reducing wide speedways when studies show it won’t cause gridlock and congestion in order for everyone to safely share the road
  • Prioritizing safety for people of all ages, especially vulnerable road users.
  • Developing people-friendly shopping districts that are shown to increase business activity and revenues.
  • Ensuring that our streets work safely for everyone, whether they choose to drive, walk or bike, or more likely a combination of all the above.

The streets of Alameda are an important part of our community. They allow children to get to school and parents to get to work. They bring together neighbors and draw visitors to neighborhood stores.

We applaud the City Council’s recent unanimous support for taking up the United States Department of Transportation’s “Mayor’s Challenge for safer people, safer streets.” We need you to continue to stand up for safety.

In taking this challenge, you spoke clearly that our streets ought to be designed for everyone – whether young or old, on foot or on bicycle, in a car or in a bus – and that the old ways of designing them only for speeding cars or creeping traffic jams were in the past. In doing so, you took a strong stand for creating an even more livable community for people to live, play, work, and shop.

At some point, most of us are pedestrians, drivers and bicyclists.

I support:

  • Developing safe, protected, dedicated space in our streets for people who drive, bicycle and walk.

  • Reducing wide speedways when studies show it won’t cause gridlock and congestion in order for everyone to safely share the road

  • Prioritizing safety for people of all ages, especially vulnerable road users.

  • Developing people-friendly shopping districts that are shown to increase business activity and revenues.

  • Ensuring that our streets work safely for everyone, whether they choose to drive, walk or bike, or more likely a combination of all the above.

Update #29 years ago
You did it again! We hit our second goal of 300 signatures in under 4 days.

All good causes deserve to stretch for the finish line. We're going to push on to 500.

Yesterday another bicyclist was hit in Alameda, let's not miss this opportunity to act for safety.

Will you tweet/facebook/email this to your friends and ask them to lend their names to the cause of safe streets?
Update #19 years ago
Great news! When we launched our letter to support Safe Streets in Alameda, we hoped that over seven weeks, we'd find 150 like minded folks who would join us in voicing our concern.

We passed that number in less than 48 hours. Thank you!

So now we're stepping up to a stretch goal. Will you take 30 seconds to help us get to 300 signatures to enhance the livability of our town, provide safe routes to school for our kids, support vibrant retail district's island-wide?
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