Canada's Seal Slaughter Needs to end now!!!

Stephen Harper still continues to allow baby seal slaughtering when the world is telling him to stop.  What kind of person allow's baby seals to be brutally clubbed over the head, skinned alive in front of their mother's before they have even had their first meal or first swim before there even three weeks old? This is intolerable,cruel beyond words and disgraces Canada as a country. As a Canadian citizen I am appalled at this brutal hunt.  Mr. Harper chooses to allow this hunt when many countries have banned seal pelts and 1,000's of people worldwide have demanded an end to this barbarity.  Canada is a beautiful country but by allowing to this brutal hunt to continue I ashamed to be Canadian.  Tell Mr.Harper this is not tolerable and the world is watching and demands an end to this insanity in th name of greed.

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