Stop Bullfighting Now!

  • by: louis gauci
  • recipient: Governments of Spain and Messico, European Union and United Nations

How on earth we are still witnessing events such as bullfighting. These events are associated with primitive ages. So one can easily ask how these events are still going on in our days and allowed by countries such as Spain and Messico.  Both the European Union and the United Nations should step up their efforts to ban these barbaric events from our planet.  This is not sports or entertainment, this is simply bloodshed.  Similar ban should be imposed on any other events of these type in any country whether bulls are involved or any other creature.

Shame on the European Union that to date nothing has been done in respect of these horrible events and instead allowing one of its countries, Spain, using bulls for so called "entertainment".  We must be ashamed of these all,  starting with the Governments where these events are taking place.  So please stop these cruel events NOW!      

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