China, Don’t Think We Missed That! Reinstate the Ban on Rhino Horns and Tiger Bones NOW!

The situation for the rhinos of Africa is beyond dire; there are only two Northern White Rhinos left, and both of them are female. Black rhinos are also critically endangered.
Tigers are also at high risk of becoming extinct. The most critically endangered species of tiger is the South China Tiger, of which there are only 30-80 left in the world. Sunda tigers, Indochinese tigers and Malayan tigers are also all critically endangered. Bengal tigers are classed as endangered.
One of the biggest threats to the existence of tigers is the Chinese medicine trade.
We won't let China get away with this! We will make a huge row over this! We DEMAND that China reinstate the ban on the trade in rhino horn and tiger bones for Chinese medicine!
Chinese medicine can be practiced without killing animals or using their parts. There is no credible evidence that either tiger bones or rhino horns actually work. When tiger bone is used as an adjuvant treatment for breast cancer, it is more likely that the collagen and calcium are what's really helping, and these can be obtained from alternative sources. There is no need to kill these special animals for their body parts!
This trade is cruel, vile and wrong! This isn't about being against Chinese culture or values; this is about being against animal cruelty and the extinction of entire species! I have nothing against the cruelty-free aspects of Chinese culture or the many Chinese people who are vegetarian/vegan and against animal cruelty.

Update #12 years ago
Please send polite, persuasive emails to the Chinese Government to try to convince them to reinstate the ban on tiger bones and rhino horn. Here are the email addresses to use:
Please do this now, if you can, so that you don't forget. If you can't do it right now, please at least do it today, if possible. The rhinos and tigers are depending on us!
Thank you.
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