We Support the Wisconsin 14!

The governor of Wisconsin and his Republican majority in the state senate plan to slash Teachers and other state employees bargaining rights, including health benefits, pensions, and wages. After numerous attempts to reason with the opposition, 14 Democratic State Senators made a stand, refusing to attend the Senate session in which the Republicans planned to pass the measure, despite the protests of thousands of Wisconsin citizens, unions, and students.
With the State Senate one seat short of being able to convene, the bill is temporarily halted. Rather than listen to reason and the Will of the People, Gov. Walker has dispatched the State Police in a manhunt to find the 14 Democratic Senators like common criminals. From a secure location, one of the Senators, Sen. Chris Larson, stated that they would stay away until he and his colleagues "hear that they are taking the right to organize seriously". 
Let's show our support for these brave 14 State Senators in their fight to protect state worker's rights! Sign the petition and send a message to the Governor and his Republican cronies that we support the Wisconsin 14!
We the undersigned stand in support of the 14 Democratic State Senators staying away from the current session in protest of the "Budget Repair Bill". The Bill is an attack on workers' rights - by stripping away collective bargaining rights, teachers, nurses, and other state employees face severe economic hardship. 
Stop the manhunt against these loyal Democratic public servants, and listen to reason. Stop this divisive and destructive legislation, and enter an open and honest bipartisan dialogue to find real solutions to Wisconsin's budget problems that do not involve slashing workers rights.
Thank you for your time, and it is our earnest hope that you will listen to the voice of the people.
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