Ban the televising of animal cruelty documentaries that show explicit scenes of dog fighting!!

This petition is to highlight the inappropriate television broadcasting of channel 4's documentary on dog fighting.The programme shows this horrific,cruel and inappropriate way to treat animals. There has been a massive outcry from animal lovers world wide since this programme was aired on channel 4.What i want is broadcasting of such an explicit nature to be banned from televison. Anyone showing these documentaries are as guilty as the abuser for standing there recording these acts of cruelty. To braodcasters this is just a quick quid, to animal lovers this is the lowest act of a human to stand there watching animals been ripped to pieces for what? Money, well some things are just more important than money.We are talking animals, they are living breathing beings and should not be treated in this way and i for one will not support any programme that promotes this sort of documentary. What would be useful is finding out who these scumbags are and getting them prosecuted for causing unneccesary cruelty to an animal.Thats what should be happening. Please everyone sign this petition,make a public and united stand for these animals.They rely on the kindness of us humans to look after,love,care and nurture them,just like our own babies.We might not prevent them going through this cruelty, but we certainly do not need to line people's back pockets with money for viewing it. There are several petitions i have ongoing to end animal abuse take a look and please read,sign and share with everyone you know .All animal lovers should sign these and fight back for justice for these animals. Please sign:-(

this is the link to the said programme

Update #110 years ago

'There is no further update at this stage. He is still receiving care and also being assessed behaviourally. As I am sure you are aware, rehabilitation for some dogs can take quite some time. But rest assured we are working with him to try and get him in as best position for rehoming'.
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