Don't let Congress to make Daylight Saving Time permanent

    This time Congress has gone too far. We unanimous oppose H.R. 1279 and S. 582, the Sunshine Protection Act of 2023. Please, don't do it. Don't reintroducing bill of Daylight-Saving Time permanent in Congress. Leave the Daylight-Saving Time temporarily alone. I like Daylight Saving Time and I don't want it to become permanent. I disapprove and dislike Permanent Daylight-Saving Time. Don't pass it, and the House of Representatives will not do that. And I don't want it to become law. Don't let President Joe Biden sign the Permanent Daylight-Saving Time. I favor and keep Daylight Saving Time to set the clock forward beginning in Spring and set the clock back when Daylight Saving Time ends in Fall. We do that every year. It's the law in America. It has nothing to do with Daylight Saving Time. It's nothing about health. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 which was passed, and signed by President Lyndon Johnson. This is my objective opinion. Reintroducing the bill of Permanent Daylight-Saving Time is rejected and it's denied. I ask you to withdraw it. I won't let Congress make Daylight Saving Time Permanent bill to be reintroducing in Congress. I am upset and feeling mad. I understand how I feel. This is outrageous. No more reintroducing the bill of making Daylight Saving Time Permanent. It's banned and prohibited. Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Vern Buchanan of Florida have both gone too far, and they making a big mistake. I demand them to step down and resign from the United States Senate and the House of Representatives for violation of the Uniform Time Act of 1966. Keep Daylight Saving Time every year to change the clock. It's normal. Daylight Saving Time of the United States of America will continue and I want it to going on. I want Marco Rubio and Vern Buchanan of Florida arrested and hold them accountable. Exclude Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and Representative Vern Buchanan of Florida from Congress. Because I am defending Daylight Saving Time in America. Because I am jealous against Marco Rubio and Vern Buchanan. Despite Rubio's rhetoric and Buchanan's rhetoric, they were party to defrauding the election and the United States Congress. I would to get it in the news and the details. Avoid traffic Collisions, get enough sleep, stay healthy. No more depression, high blood pressure, high blood sugar sweetening, because of diabetes. Get rid of that refined white sugar and white salt sodium. I want foods to make things healthy in America Great Again. No more carbs. Eat healthy and lose weight to exercise, meditate. Marco Rubio and Vern Buchanan are both crazy
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