The right to live comfortable in your own skin

    The world is getting more divided as the days go on. Many people are too focused on labels such as lgbtq. I am concerned because our future is these children growing up, and not being able to be comfortable in their skin can cause developmental issues as well as mental health concerns. You have laws being put in place stopping the right for families to live comfortably in same-sex marriages or households. They are stopping the right for same-sex couples to adopt or even start a family in that matter. There is worldwide discrimination going on based on the sex of many people, and you have hate crimes happening to people in the lgbtq community. Effective immediately, there will be equality across the board. Marriage is allowed nationwide for same-sex couples. Also, adoption is available, as well as fertility treatment options. People in the Lgbtq community deserve to be able to start a family, raise a family, and not be penalized for their gender and dating status., and effective immediately, it will happen. Specific jobs can no longer discriminate against people due to sex, and we will now prohibit applicants from disclosing their gender on the job applications—housing applications, college applications, and more.m Bill S998 The right to be comfortable in your brown skin is a bill that should be in place nationwide in all 50 states.
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