Tell National Leadership: Reinstate Kappa Alpha Theta at Clemson and Ole Miss

Kappa Alpha Theta national executive leadership recently withdrew the charters of chapters at Clemson University and Ole Miss, despite the chapters being in good standing, including financially, and winning awards for finances as recently as this year at the national Grand Convention.

At Ole Miss' Epsilon Zeta chapter, the girls got little to no advance notice. At Clemson's Delta Phi chapter, the girls were notified just a few weeks after new members were initiated. 

The young women of these chapters deserve the Kappa Alpha Theta collegiate experienced they were promised when they rushed, were initiated, and paid dues.

At Delta Phi, the new initiates are now prohibited from joining another National Panhellenic organization for their entire four years at Clemson. These young women contribute to Kappa Alpha Theta, they contribute to their campuses, and they contribute to their communities through their philanthropic work and volunteering.

The young women of these chapters chose Theta and Theta chose them. Theta is supposed to be for a lifetime.

This isn't just about Delta Phi. It isn't just about Epsilon Zeta. The women of these two chapters and their alumnae are coming together to ensure this doesn't happen to others.

Stand with these young collegiate women and show your support for them getting their chapters back from national Kappa Alpha Theta leadership.

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