Justice for the Calves

The Humane Society of the United States recently captured horrific abuses at the Bushway slaughterhouse in Grand Isle, VT, on video, where days-old calves were kicked, beaten, dragged, shocked with electric prods repeatedly, and skinned alive. We ask that the world support us in demanding that our Vermont state officials prosecute this case as an aggravated animal cruelty case, and ask for the maximum penalties as allowed by Vermont law.
Photo Courtesy of HSUS

We, the undersigned, call upon the Grand Isle States Attorney and Vermont Attorney General to prosecute all persons who participated in the abuses of calves that occurred at Bushway Packing, Inc. in Grand Isle, VT, including plant management and owners, and the USDA inspector, for aggravated animal cruelty. Further, we ask for the maximum penalty of a $5000 fine and 3 years in jail, as established by Vermont law.

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