Petition For Redress of Grievances

Petition to abolish all state statutes which allow forced unequal custody orders against law-abiding parents and drive the multi-billion dollar divorce/family destruction industry in a winner-takes-all process that precludes a level playing field vital to parental cooperation and intentionally create and perpetuate litigation in family courts to benefit lawyers, psychologists, social workers, court reporters, etc.

We seek reparations and/or damages for destruction of our families and financial devastation from being forced to spend our time and wealth on fighting against this institutionalized terrorism attacking law-abiding U.S. Citizens.

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke

We need to put faces on the cases: Make a video about your case and post it on or on your own You Tube channel.  If you live near the Washington, D.C. area I'll discuss making a free video for you.  Just email or call me:, (703)798-7598

PETITION FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division United States Department of Justice Washington, D.C. We Men, Fathers, Husbands and Concerned Citizens of the United States of America hereby petition the U.S. Government for redress of grievances. We demand a U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the Civil Justice Systems of the various States of the United States. We charge the Civil Courts, specifically the Domestic Relations/Family Courts, Circuit Courts and judges, with blatant and gross gender bias and prejudice against men, and in favor of women in the vast majority of divorce cases involving child custody, visitation, property division and child support. In these Courts of Injustice, men are discriminated against in nearly all cases involving women, and occasionally women are denied their constitutional rights to equality and parenthood as well. We demand equality for all parents. In most cases, however, men's constitutional rights to raise our children, to life, liberty and property are systematically violated. Men are treated as though guilty from the very start, denied due process, and forced to endure the destruction of our parenthood and alienation from our children due to the existence of statutes providing for forced unequal custody orders in direct violation of the guarantees of due process, equal protection of the laws, and the liberty interest in the family under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. We demand a full and impartial investigation, state by state, district by district. We demand abolition of all statutes which allow forced unequal custody orders against law-abiding parents absent a compelling state interest, which statutes promote the "winner take all", adversarial process that destroys parent-child relations and preclude a level playing field which is vital for parents to cooperate in rearing children after a divorce. We demand justice and compensation for emotional damages suffered by this illegal, state-sponsored terrorism and kidnapping of our children, loss of family relations, and fincancial damages from fighting this corrupt divorce industry presided over by state family law judges. WE DEMAND REFORM

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