Boycott the 2017 Daytona 500

  • by: J Thomasson
  • recipient: Kelcy Warren, CEO, Energy Transfer Partners

SUNOCO (a company in the Energy Transfer Partners family) will provide the official NASCAR fuel for Sunday's Daytona 500. Join us in telling the CEO that you will not watch this year's Daytona 500 due to its relationship with the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

We have watched SUNOCO'S parent company bully Lakota Native Americans in North Dakota, to force the DAPL through their Treaty lands. Pipelines break, leak, and explode weekly worldwide. Drinking water for 14 million Americans will be at risk because DAPL goes under the Missouri River! America does not need the oil in this pipeline. It will be exported out of the country. All for corporate profits.

To Energy Transfer Partners CEO Kelcy Warren:

We the undersigned will not be viewing or participating in the 2017 Daytona 500 because one of your companies, SUNOCO, provides the official NASCAR fuel for the event.

For months we have watched in disbelief and disappointment as your company has bullied Lakota Native Americans in North Dakota, to force the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) through their Treaty lands. Originally designed to go through Bismarck, those residents wanted no part of DAPL , so it was re-rerouted through "Indian territory."

Pipelines are breaking, leaking, and exploding every week globally. Thorough cleanup is impossible. This pipeline will put drinking water for 14 million Americans at risk because it intersects with the Missouri River. Your representatives enlisted police and the military to help accomplish this dastardly mission of evicting the Lakota. Many of us went to North Dakota and stood with the Lakota Water Protectors. Your company ignored our requests and continued greedily on. America does not need the especially dirty product (Bakken Shale) to be transported through this pipeline. It will be exported, all in the name of investor profit.

We find this behavior reprehensible and will not support sporting events in which your companies are the sponsor.
You have the power to correct this wrong  Please re-route the Dakota Access Pipeline. It is the right thing to do on many levels.

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