Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get a nationwide and hopefully worldwide law that will ban any and all convicted animal abusers from ever owning, caring for or even be near an animal in any capacity! It is appalling to hear how many times someone who abuses an animal did so previously and again allowed to subject animals to possible repeat abuse and cruelty!!
As an advocate for the prevention and awareness of animal cruelty and abuse, it just baffles me how many times these offenders are repeat abusers! I just cannot wrap my mind around cases where animals are neglected and abused, only to find out that these same people did the same thing in previous years. We have to save these animals and, although it will not stop the abuse, keep known abuser from ever having the opportunity to hurt another animal.
Some examples of such cases are: which is a case where these animal hoarders were in the same situation just four years ago. Another case is a hoarding situation at where the lawyer will seek allowance for these folks to own animals again within the next five years. These people were warned about the care of the horses but were allowed to keep them at able to have these and other horses, despite their history of neglect and abuse.
These are just a couple of the many stories I come across and, in such situations, authorities are actually giving these known abusive people the okay to mistreat animals!! These creatures do not have a voice; we must speak for them and protect them. Surely, we can’t save them all, but let’s do what we can to keep animals away from the monsters who are known abusers. Just as we keep rapist away from children, we need to do the same for animals.
Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get a nationwide and hopefully worldwide law that will ban any and all convicted animal abusers from ever owning, caring for or even be near an animal in any capacity!
Congress and House of Representatives – You need to implement some laws nationwide that will ban a convicted animal abuser from ever owning, caring for or working with animals of any type. Just as sex offenders, especially of children, are a common knowledge among the public, and banned from being anywhere within miles of children, something similar needs to be done for animal abusers. Too many people who are charged with animal abuse, cruelty and neglect have either been repeat offenders or go out and get more animals once they serve their menial punishment. This should not happen! It is like giving them the permission to go ahead and abuse, again! Please instill and enforce laws that will ban any and all animal hoarders and abusers from ever coming near another animal the rest of their lives. Animals cannot speak and/or defend themselves; they need someone like our nationwide government to protect them. HELP!
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