China: Don't Deny Education to Disabled Children!

More than 40% of the disabled in China are illiterate, and 15 million of them live on less than $1 a day. So why is China continuing to deny this vulnerable population an education? 

Disabled students are being denied enrollment and if they are enrolled, many of them are asked to leave even though China ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This says that they must provide an education that suits the needs of all students. 

Unfortunately, training, funding, and support are not provided for these schools. Special education schools exist, but they are rare. Higher education is even worse, as medical exams required for enrollment can bar students from their programs of choice even if their disabilities don't affect them.

It is time for China to implement an education system that is inclusive of people of all abilities. Discrimination should not be allowed, period. Please tell China not to deny education to disabled children! 

Dear Chinese Government,

More than 25% of children with disabilities don't get any sort of education at all in China. More than 40% of people living there with disabilities are illiterate. 15 million of them live on less than $1 a day. Clearly, there is an educational crisis going on.

Many students with disabilities are finding it difficult to enroll in mainstream schools. If they are accepted, many are asked to leave later on. This exists even though China ratified the Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities, which mandates inclusive education that suits the needs of everyone.

Mainstream schools are not getting the resources they need -- like training and funding -- and there are not enough special education schools to accommodate all of these students. Higher education is worse because if students don't pass medical exams needed for enrollment they can be denied a spot in their chosen programs even if their disabilities don't affect their courses of study.

It is time for something to change. Please implement an inclusive education system and stop denying education to disabled children.

Thank you for your time. 

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