Stop Selling Shark fin soup!!

Shark finning
According to wildlife conservation much of the sharks' fin trade uses fins cut from living sharks, called finning. Because shark meat is worth much less, the now finless and often still-living sharks are thrown back into the sea to make room for more of the valuable fins. In the ocean, the sharks either die from suffocation or are eaten because they are unable to move normally.
Shark finning refers to the removal and retention of shark fins and the discarding at sea of the carcass. Shark finning takes place at sea so the fishers only have to transport the fins.
Shark finning is widespread, and largely unmanaged and unmonitored. Shark finning has increased over the past decade largely due to the increasing demand for shark fins for Chinese shark fin soup and traditional cures, improved fishing technology, and improved market economics. Shark specialists estimate that anywhere between 38 million-100 million sharks are killed for their fins, annually. Shark fins are a billion dollar industry.

As top predators, sharks help to manage healthy ocean ecosystems. And

as the number of large sharks declines, the oceans will suffer unpredictable and devastating consequences. Sharks help maintain the health of ocean ecosystems,

including seagrass beds and coral reefs. Healthy oceans undoubtedly

depend on sharks.

We,the undersigned demand that Wong restaurants in Dublin,Ireland takes show full responsibility to take sharkfinns of the menu,they have to recognise the important impact of sharks today for our Oceans and the future
Shark's fin soup has a lot to answer for
We will NOT be silent and show apathy when you keep shark fin soup on the menu!
This concerns us all!
These restaurants sell shark fin soup and are contributing to the imminent extinction of many species of shark, as well as supporting the barbaric and often illegal trade in shark finning. Please boycott these restaurants

Wongs, 436 Clontarf Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3.
Tel: 01-8334400 Fax: 01-8337064
Wongs, 7 Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.
Tel: 01-4967722 Fax: 01-4967749Dublin
Wongs, Main Street, Castleknock, Dublin 15.
Tel: 01-8223330 Fax: 01-8223266 

~because saving the Sea Saves ourselves...
~Paul Watson~Ocean Warrior~
Irish Times
 This petition will be send to W(r)ongs Ireland &
Irish MEPs with the wish to support a European ban of sharkfinning.
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