Wilmars Palm Oil Exploits and Abuses Its Workers and the Rainforest: Demand an End!

  • by: sofia Angelini
  • recipient: AFAMSA, ADM, Colgate-Palmolive, Elevance, Kellogg's, Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser and Unilever.

Tens of millions of tonnes of palm oil is used annually, and 85% produced in Indonesia and Malaysia, much of it by Agriculture giant Wilmar. The production of wilmar's palm oil results in mass deforestation, habitat loss, climate change, animal cruelty and major human rights abuses.
This needs to stop.
According to the World Wildlife Fund 300 football fields of rainforest is removed hourly to create way for palm oil production, pushing many species to extinction. Not only is the environment under threat from such production, but the palm oil industry is renowned for human rights abuses against their workers.
An Amnesty International Investigation revealed that despite claims that the palm oil used in their products was completely sustainable, corporate giants were in fact turning a blind eye to the exploitation of their palm oil supplier, Wilmar's, workers.
- Women working on Wilmar's plantations are kept in insecure jobs, without health insurance and pensions ans being paid below minimum wage
- children as young as 8 dopping out of school to work long, dangerous hours on plantations
- workers suffering from illegal toxic chemical paraquat
- workers made to work witgout proper safety equipment to protect them from hazardous levels of pollution
Amnesty traced Wilmar's palm oil to nine major corporations: AFAMSA, ADM, Colgate-Palmolive, Elevance, Kellogg's, Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser and Unilever.
Change needs to happen.

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