Do not let the abusers of this vulnerable puppy get off with a slap on the wrist!
Kane, The malnourished puppy, who was suffering from shattered rear legs and a snout bound with rubber bands, was taken in by Ranch Dog Rescue in Temecula, California, last week.
The puppy, who weighed a mere 11 pounds when he was found, came from Camp Pendleton - is believed to be the victim of abuse by a Marine couple who lives at the West Coast training base. Maureen Keo, a spokeswoman for the rescue agency, described the pitiful condition of the puppy's body when he arrived:
This 5 month old husky was so malnourished, he weighed in at just under 11 lbs, and his teeth have been rotting as his mouth was bound shut with rubber bands for an extended period of time - leaving scars on the skin and in the bone growth of his snout.
Kane underwent a successful reconstructive orthopedic surgery this week at Butterfield Animal Hospital in Temecula. Now that he is safely out of harm's way, he has a chance for a normal, healthy future.
Keo worries that the investigation into Kane's abuse will not be thorough - she stated:
The USMC is not completing a thorough investigation and have indicated
that they will "speak with" their female Marine who committed these
horrible acts of abuse.
According to Keo, the woman who owned the pup has claimed that his injuries are the result of him falling off of the kitchen counter, and getting stuck in a baby gate. The veterinarians who have treated the pup feel that the pup's injuries are the result of severe abuse.
Officials at Camp Pendleton have not commented on the allegations.
This was a criminal and deliberate act that should not go unpunished.