Congress, Act Now To End Deadly Truck Underride!

Hundreds of people die every year when pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and passenger vehicles go underneath trucks. Over 4,000 have died during the past 19 years since the last underride regulation was issued in 1998. Families of victims and safety advocates are calling for an end to preventable truck underride tragedies.

It can happen to anyone -- even if their car has a 5-Star Crash Rating. It can happen anywhere. It happened to 17-year-old AnnaLeah and 13-year-old Mary Karth when their car went under the rear of a semi-trailer in Georgia on May 4, 2013. And it happened to 26-year-old Roya Sadigh when her car went under the side of a truck in Indiana on November 24, 2004.

U.S. regulators have debated for decades about how to stop the tragedy of underride deaths -- including, since 1969, the possibility of requiring underride protection to be added to the sides of large trucks. But they have not done so, even though engineers have already found ways to solve this problem. 

It's time for Congress to mandate that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration update underride regulations, and for the trucking industry to install effective underride protection. The STOP Underrides! Bill -- introduced by Senator Gillibrand (D-NY), Senator Rubio (R-FL), Congressman Cohen (D-TN), and Congressman DeSaulnier (D-CA), on March 5, 2019, will allow creative engineers to put effective underride protections on every truck, and help end preventable underride tragedies.

Please sign this petition to generate an email telling your legislators to co-sponsor this life-saving legislation. Be sure to add a Comment which will be included in that email. Then, CALL your legislators at (202) 224-3121.

Together we can make the roads safer.

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Update #81 years ago
A PBS/Frontline documentary focused on underride will be aired on Tuesday, June 13, 10/9 Central. Spread the word & see the trailer here: America's Dangerous Trucks

We are launching a new petition to take advantage of the national attention this broadcast will bring to underride. Please sign & share: Secretary Pete, It's Past Time To End Death By Underride!
Update #72 years ago
Safety defect investigations are based upon complaints. So we are launching a campaign for submission of UNDERRIDE complaints of ALL kinds to NHTSA.

We are asking that people send us crash reports for collisions with trucks which they suspect involved underride. Send them to We will submit these as complaints to ODI.

To submit one yourself go our website:
Update #64 years ago
Underride Protection is part of the INVEST in America Act being acted upon June 17 in a hearing. Please email U.S. Representatives on the House T&I Committee TODAY. Go to for instructions & email for Congressional email addresses.

Tell them why this is important to you. Thank you!

p.s. The hearing may take two days, plus this Bill will have to go for a House Floor Vote later. So your email will NOT be too late whenever you send it.
Update #54 years ago
Encourage truck owners to install strong underride guards on their trucks. Sign a Letter of Support for our SaferTruck Award program. Copy & paste this link to sign it digitally:

Thank you for helping to protect people from deadly underride.
Update #46 years ago
Our story was just published by a major parenting blogsite, Scary Mommy:

"These Grieving Mothers Are Working Together To Stop Underride Collisions"

Please share this link in every way you can to raise awareness & support to end deadly underride.

We're organizing an Underride Crash Test in D.C., on March 26, so Congress & DOT can witness the horror of underride & solutions. Pray they lose sleep until they take action!
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